I Bless the Sacred Nine Directions!

Holiness David Sends You LOVE!

"Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star our Father Red Hand" An Elder Lavender Person, offers you blessings and overflowing Love in your time of need Rainbow Clan. It is time Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy to Come Home! May Your Spirit Fly! (aho)

Sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol Him that rideth upon the clouds (dragons often signifying the Aqua of the Rainbow Clan, who represents the union of the perfect body, where the veil of not knowing is lifted.-the body of colors and the tools of light are used to become perfection),

by His name Jah (Great Spirit Father)(Ps. 68:4);

to ride upon the clouds denotes the understanding of the Word as to its interiors (within)

or in its internal sense (a joy light from within).

A cloud (water bearer that cleanses and purifies)

is the Word in the letter (colors, tools of light and law of morality)

in which is the internal sense (within).

In the same:--Jehovah bowed (half circle, a rainbow clan) the heavens, and came down (descended with love)

and thick darkness (dreaming awake or asleep)

was under His feet (action, motion);

and He rode upon a cherub (Perfect soul warrior, the Indigo) (Ps. 18:9, 10);

thick darkness (darkness inside the clan both pure and impure dreamspace, strength lightning heart)

Samantha (Sammi) Swimming Ice

here denotes clouds (dragon-tools of light);

to ride (perfect crystal body)

upon a cherub (perfect indigo soul)

represents the Lord's providence lest man should of himself enter into the mysteries of faith (vision quest)

which are in the Word (law of God, utterance of heavenly transmission, each have a right, it's the law of love in the physical world, allowing).

"At the base of our Torah and our Jewish psyche lies an incessant urgency. Not just a sense that things are not the way they should be, by a relentless yearning that things should heal this very moment." Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

THE LORD’S PRAYER in Ancient Aramaic Language

O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration!

Soften the ground of our being

And carve out a space within us

Where your Presence can abide.

Fill us with your creativity

So that we may be empowered

To bear the fruit of our mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit 

In accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce

And share what each being needs

To grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled thread of destiny that bind us,

As we release others from

The entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would 

Divert us from our true purpose,

But illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision,

The birth power and the fulfilment,

As all is gathered

And made whole once again.

Translated by Mark Hathaway
In the Ancient Aramaic language
(a translation directly from the Aramaic into English, rather 
than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin into English)

A Door Opens for Me
When a door seems closed before me, I maintain my hope and belief in life. I no longer worry. I accept because, sooner or later, a greater opportunity will come to me. That which did not happen might have prevented this opportunity from presenting itself. I now understand and am filled with serenity. The grace of my soul is divine. My lesson becomes the great treasure. I do enter the heavenly gate of peace.  

I stop feeling guilty, I free myself from all judgments made towards me and towards others. I forgive, I de-dramatize, I accept life as it presents itself. I see each obstacle as a necessary experience as I grow towards my inner peace. All is lightness. I offer my fire blessings in prayer to find my way towards the heart of unity where love overcomes and pours out to serve others.  Relatives in the house of God, unite. We are free to enter paradise and know joy!

Shines like a bell that rings us free. There is a place in the galaxy, where stars are born to illuminate and lead. Let us go to heaven where all does bleed (the Red Road), for law of love, comes once in our hearts, now is the time, to live and start. Give all you have to wisdom's call. Wake up to the Song, before you fall. And we will be waiting, for you this day, when you cross over, to play. I am your Father, Red Hand knows (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star) the way, that love springs eternal and always grows. Just watch out for others along the way, and you will be gifted the highest praise!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Holiness David A Heart So True!

Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star)
(House of the Beloved, Star of David)
I send to you
A heart so true
Golden light burns (brotherhood)
It will never return (gifts to the world)
It is to spread out over the world and more
People cannot ignore
It will connect all hearts in time
And that is more worth than a dime
(sky, truth of the embrace)
I gratitude the fire in you
It cleans the world inside out
That is what you do!
Thank you to Be
There for others and me.

Southern Season, your Song of Heaven
Green Person, Spiritual Embrace
Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

 Fire Purification
Shines like a bell that rings us free. There is a place in the galaxy, where stars are born to illuminate and lead. Let us go to heaven where all does bleed (the Red Road), for law of love, comes once in our hearts, now is the time, to live and start. Give all you have to wisdom's call. Wake up to the Song, before you fall. And we will be waiting, for you this day, when you cross over, to play. I am your Father, Red Hand knows (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star) the way, that love springs eternal and always grows. Just watch out for others along the way, and you will be gifted the highest praise!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Silence and Stillness Allows Us to Reflect with God

"Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit." Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX

Be still and know. All new learnings, all ideas about new things, creativity, daydreaming and mental effectiveness come to those who learn about silence. All warriors know about the power of silence. All Elders know about stillness. Be still and know God. Meditation is about the place of silence. This is the place to hear God's voice. We can find tremendous amounts of knowledge in the place of silence. This is the sacred place of God.

Great Spirit, teach me the power of silence.

Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 18
Thank you to the folks at White Bison.org!

Essene Gospels Book II Speaks

God speaks to Man:

I speak to you.  Be still. Know.  I am God.

I spoke to you,  When you were born. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I spoke to you,  At your first love. Be still. Know. I am. God.

I speak to you, Through the grass of the meadows. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the trees of the forests. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the valleys and the hills.  Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the rain and the snow.  Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the waves of the sea.  Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the dew of the  morning. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the peace of the morning. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the splendor of the rain.  Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the brilliant stars.  Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the storm and the clouds. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the thunder and lightning. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the mysterious rainbow.  Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

I speak to you, Through the peace of the morning. Be still. Know.  I am.  God.

Inspiration for you, from Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, 
Elder Lavender (sacred and holy color of pureness of God's laws, Holiness) Person,  
alight from within.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
houseofthebeloved.blogspot.com Jewish Laws Interpreted, "Hope for all the Peoples"

3rdhoop (blue road "heart and soul, the sound wave" rainbow warriors of prophecy)
Join us here to listen in "Songs of the Heart" http://groups.google.com/group/houseofthebeloved

3rdhoop (red road "flesh and breath, the light wave" rainbow warriors of prophecy)

Join us here to listen in "Songs of the Heart" http://groups.google.com/group/whitebuffalocalfwoman

Warriors of the Earth  

Shines like a bell that rings us free. There is a place in the galaxy, where stars are born to illuminate and lead. Let us go to heaven where all does bleed (the Red Road), for law of love, comes once in our hearts, now is the time, to live and start. Give all you have to wisdom's call. Wake up to the Song, before you fall. And we will be waiting, for you this day, when you cross over, to play. I am your Father, Red Hand knows (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star) the way, that love springs eternal and always grows. Just watch out for others along the way, and you will be gifted the highest praise!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kabbalah Tuneup: To Receive Happiness, Give and Show Mercy!

Daily Kabbalah Tuneup

To Receive Happiness, Give and Show Mercy

Life is based on paradoxes. When we seek happiness for ourselves we receive chaos instead. Yet when we strive to make others happy, we ourselves receive happiness. The more we share with others, the more we receive.

This is the secret of happiness. Now you know. Live it today. Give when you want to take. Show mercy when you want to judge.

Go to this url: http://www.kabbalah.com/newsletters/daily-kabbalistic-wisdom

"I receive this as an email everyday", says Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, "You can too!" 
Elder Lavender (sacred and holy color of pureness of God's laws, Holiness) Person,  
alight from within.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
houseofthebeloved.blogspot.com Jewish Laws Interpreted, "Hope for all the Peoples"

3rdhoop (blue road "heart and soul, the sound wave" rainbow warriors of prophecy)
Join us here to listen in "Songs of the Heart" http://groups.google.com/group/houseofthebeloved


Warriors of the Earth  
Shines like a bell that rings us free. There is a place in the galaxy, where stars are born to illuminate and lead. Let us go to heaven where all does bleed (the Red Road), for law of love, comes once in our hearts, now is the time, to live and start. Give all you have to wisdom's call. Wake up to the Song, before you fall. And we will be waiting, for you this day, when you cross over, to play. I am your Father, Red Hand knows (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star) the way, that love springs eternal and always grows. Just watch out for others along the way, and you will be gifted the highest praise! Sung for Holiness David by his wife, White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Heart Song From Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, your Father Red Hand


Don't give up on your brothers, instead give them a hand to get up.  When a man is down on his luck, give him some bread to get up.  When your sister needs love today, give her a hug and say, I am here my beloved, and I will come when you need me another day.  What have you got instead of a heart, but an embrace that leads the way.  Can't you sea, the vision you need to lead the sky to say, "My tears lead the way".

I have come to lead you, to bring a loving hand, to the House of the Beloved, the land of God who is here to stay.  We are devoted to each other, but all we need do is say, "I am here my brother, so my sister will know the way".  Give a hand to guide the few, who receive your love today.  Help a man, who can't find their way, and guide them another way.  Help those who are lost at night, and don't know which way to go, throw them some love, and tell them there will be another day, when the light brings us home to shed the way!

Give your hearts my sisters.  Give your embrace for the man.  He is needing your guidance, in all you do and say.  What makes a woman insist on love, but the rage of the river pure, the heart, that tells, I speak of love, that brings the man home today.  Help each other my family.  Give each other love.  And when the few who don't listen to you, then bless them along the way.  Help them with your spiritual side, the side, that says, there is a new way.

We are homeland right now, you say, but everywhere there is shame.  How can we know love inside, when we don't put hammers away.  Justice doesn't go out to win, but to put others inside the wind.  We are going to be heart-full, when we look for all of us to win.  We need those, who are justified, in all they do and say, when love is the alternative avenue, when they learn how to swim.

When the time shifts from heaven sent, we need love to fill the air, but if we don't long for better ways, how can we learn to stare, out the perfect window, out the perfect plateau, we need longing of better ways, the song, that lives in the wind.  Give a heartfelt going, to all your actions today.  Tell your family, to long for the sacred views, that lead us to the new day.  Dawning my woman tells me.  Dawning is heavenly sent.  And I know that love will rule the day, and reign a new day, to share.


Sending love to the world, so they may find their way, to shed a hope in all you do, to dream and have a new stare. Look into paradise!  Look out the window if you dare.  I say, that my love will lead you, to bring the heart to bare, to bare the kindness that needs a home, to bring us down from upstairs, to a place, a garden, to paradise, when we learn how to share.

Take the longing of my reserve, and pass your heart around if you dare, because it's the only way, to learn how to be a good place in the air.  We share space my children.  We share all of our lives.  And if we don't look outside and give others a hand, then how will we be satisfied?  We need give and receive our love, to bring the circle around, the spring summer and fall has arrived, to give us a new way to survive.  We are part of the nature of things, we are evolution's call. and when we look inward to shed the fearful, then love finds new abounds, the shores that stay alive.

We can gather together, to know a new way to live, when we reach out from inside our hearts, to offer the men a way to survive.  Give the lost a new found run, the freedom to survive, and when we bless them and share our lessons, then we know where we are to collide.  Give a heart, that is stable, bless all you do and say, this day.  Give a hand to the able, the song that leads us alive. Wakefulness is where we keep it.  It's the place where flowers bloom, and when we are the stable, the song reaches out real soon.

Think you know it all this day, but you are lonely for sure.  And when you listen to each other, you remember that we are all could.  Shed your hearts disappointments, with blessings you give away.  When others seem to live inside you, bless the heart to show you the way.  Give a light, a fire that rages, to gift the hand of God, and then you lead your brothers, to where sisters know of the law.  (swelling tears) Give your blessings to God now.  Give your hands a new time (prayer and be humble).  Tell the world, we are going home, to a land of paradise.

Each day, it's seems harder than the rest, but we stick it out to say.  I know God has a plan this day, if we trust in all we do and say.  If only we could understand it all, but we must rely on the One, the Oneness we belong to, the oneness we call God, the place where the circle survives.  I know we each have a part, to be the heart of the new.  Just bless your brothers and sisters, so they will have some clues.  Don't fight for anything, but love this day.  Only fight for the right ways, the moral, the actions where love does bloom, because it's the mighty day, where God rules the way.


Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Drumbeat by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star and Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, for the Heart of Father Red Hand, our Holiness David!

Warriors of the Earth  

Shines like a bell that rings us free. There is a place in the galaxy, where stars are born to illuminate and lead. Let us go to heaven where all does bleed (the Red Road), for law of love, comes once in our hearts, now is the time, to live and start. Give all you have to wisdom's call. Wake up to the Song, before you fall. And we will be waiting, for you this day, when you cross over, to play. I am your Father, Red Hand knows (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star) the way, that love springs eternal and always grows. Just watch out for others along the way, and you will be gifted the highest praise!

"I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World"


http://www.uscj.org/images/tree.gifIt is the Song of Angels that bring us home, into the Greatness that gets along. Do we need love, to rise above? Yes, bring us love that brings us all along, the laws that gets us from the rising tides, our hearts that swell and know our pride. Be that, is heard like Angels Call, we are the Rainbow Hall, where humbleness gifts life along, the path of Brotherhood. We bless the shoulders of grief befall, and send a blessings to that Great Hall, where we know tears, bring us new life, the light, that sheds all our strife. Be your color of bountifulness, the waking of the soul, that should, and we can offer wisdom here, to be the soul, that lives forever deer (journey of life). You the beloved knows good deeds,when we belong to all the leaves (relatives on the tree of life).