My Brothers and Sisters,
Today I send you blessings and love!
Shalom (peace)!
your devoted servant,
Holiness David
"Running Eagle Shooting Star"
"the House of the Beloved, the STAR of DAVID has come home to you!"
My Relatives,
Chochmoh, Binah, Da'at (wisdom, understanding and knowledge) Hashem is coming home. Heaven now is underway to put the Suns of Israel upon their thrones.
Let the Brothers of Heaven come home to receive the Mathematical Perfection, the Great Oneness has gifted to you, as "Keepers of the Sacred Texts" to the House of "G_ah_d", the voice of heaven is transmitted to you!
Welcome home to the third rolling hill in time.
your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
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CalfWomanJIDF you are my savior and friend, helping brothers win again. Speaking truth is what you do, now I Bless you! says,White Buffalo Calf Woman
David | Galut, Israel
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"At the base of our Torah and our Jewish psyche lies an incessant urgency. Not just a sense that things are not the way they should be, by a relentless yearning that things should heal this very moment." the Lubavitcher Rebbe
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